The Principal

Dr. Rosebella C. Chukwu Ph.D
Dr. Rosebella C. Chukwu Ph.D

Chief Principal’s Message

I take this opportunity to welcome you to our website. Thanks for finding time to access, view, and discover who we are and what we do.

Sang’alo Institute of Science & Technology is mandated to provide Business, Technical, Vocational, and Entrepreneurship training on a broad-based curriculum to our trainees within which we strive to nurture the talents in the process. As our motto states  “Technology our Lifeline”, our approach to learning places much emphasis on changing market demands at workplaces hence our programs are tailored to suit the flexible technological changes. Our courses are tailor-made in line with the Competency-Based Education and Training (CBET) programs and are geared towards providing relevant knowledge and skills needed to make  Kenya a middle-income earner by 2030 as well as the realization of the Big Four Agenda

Technology our Lifeline

SIST Motto

We are a national center of excellence in Agriculture. We carry out various agricultural activities on our farm. Some of them include livestock, sugarcane, maize, horticulture, and fish farming. We also carry out collaborative research with renowned organizations especially those geared towards the realization of food security. The institution is also ISO 9001:2015 for observing quality and standards in our curriculum delivery implementation. Our graduates are highly sought after by prospective employers and also most of our students upon completion of their studies have ventured into self-employment where they create jobs for others instead of being employed

In line with our vision To be a Center of Excellence in Capacity Building, Research, Science & Technology” The institutions’ innovations have received regional, national, and even international recognition. On the international scene, some of our innovations were exhibited in Cairo, Egypt, and Kigali Rwanda during the international research conference and exhibition. Some of the innovations are undergoing incubation in readiness for commercialization and include the Solar Powered Irrigation Pump, Solar Powered Lawn Mower, and Water Sensor. Others are the “Torsoy Health Drink”, Visitor Registration Module, The Fish Scale Mouth Wash, and the village battery that uses the salt solution.